Regent Capital Communications





Keep on top of latest regulatory and legislative changes and other developments that could affect your business by joining IV-th annual conference Novellas of Civil Code and Corporate Law that will bring together representatives of industrial and legal companies to discuss the most pressing issues.

The main aim of the event is exchange of experiences, best practices and case studies which will give you a chance of applying them in professional activities enhancing your further professional development.

Speakers include: Cliff, EvrazHolding, GAZPROM NEFT, DIXY, SIBUR, MMC Norilsk Nickel, Baker Tilly Rus, «Kovalev, Tugushi and Partners», Tomashevskaya & Partners, Skolkovo Foundation, UK TRANSFINGROUP, IIDF (Internet Initiatives Development Fund), "T Plus" Herbert Smith Freehills, Lidings

Topics include:

Developing optimal corporate governance structure, taking into account the opportunities and changes in civil legislation

Practice and prospects of special investment contracts

Options agreements in construction projects, assurance of circumstances, unilateral refusal from fulfillment of obligations

Indemnitification for breach of representations and warranties, losses determination procedure, court practice

Subsidiary responsibility of top management and novels in the Bankruptcy Law

Further practical experience in using new M&A institutions

Anti-sanctions compliance

Defining regulatory changes affecting foreign investments into strategic sectors





Игорь Перевощиков 

Начальник Департамента по контрактной работе Дирекции крупных проектов



Искендер Нурбеков 

Заместитель директора по правовым вопросам и инициативам, ФРИИ


Любовь Кузнецова  

Заместитель начальника Управления правового сопровождения проектной работы, Норильский никель


Станислав Костинов 

Руководитель отдела по корпоративному управлению и M&A, УК ТРАНСФИНГРУП


Антон Рогоза 

Партнер, корпоративная 


Squire Patton Boggs


Ксения Степанищева 

Старший юрист 

Ковалев, Тугуши и партнеры


Жанна Томашевская  

Управляющий партнер

Tomashevskaya & Partners


Марина Муравьева Руководитель практики Централизованной службы правового обеспечения 

Т Плюс


Илья Смирнов  

Партнер, Юридический департамент

ALTHAUS Consulting


Евгений Шульц  

Директор Департамента юридических услуг

Бейкер Тилли Рус


Сергей Еремин 

Старший юрист 

Herbert Smith Freehills


Антон Новосельцев

старший юрист практики корпоративного права и M&A 



Владимир Данилевский  

Старший юрист Корпоративной практики



Артур Абдуллов       

Юрист, Юридическая поддержка, СИБУР


Нарине Мамарян  

Руководитель группы по корпоративному управлению



Алла Генералова       

Юрист, Лигал-партнер функции «Логистика», Юридическая поддержка, СИБУР


Анна Климова  

Cтарший юрист



Сергей Шорин  

Руководитель группы по слияниям, поглощениям и прямым инвестициям, Пепеляев Групп


Светлана Бочарова 

Руководитель Юридического департамента 

Фонд Сколково



- General Counsel, OMZ

«The conference is interesting and informative, during its course were reviewed current changes and reforms»


- Managing Partner, Branan Legal

«The event was excellent. Contained many practical examples»


- Deputy Director General for Legal Affairs, JSC «Bionet»

«I assess my participation in the conference positively and I think that I have acquired not only a useful new practical knowledge and tools to use in my work, but also had a great opportunity to communicate with fellow professionals and share experiences»


- Head of the legal support of large projects and integration, Gazprom Neft

«Everything was great!»


- Head of the Legal Department, MC «Petropavlovsk»

«Thank you, the conference was very interesting!»


- Head of Legal Support of investment activity, PJSC «Т Plus»

«Interesting were the questions regarding changes to the provisions of the Civil Code of Obligations Act. Topics were very interesting in terms of practice. High level speakers»


- Deputy Head of Legal Department, Gazprom VNIIGAZ

«Interesting and informative. Thank you!»


- Deputy Head of Legal Management, PJSC «Т Plus»

«The level of speakers is high. Many thanks to the organizers! »


- Lawyer, AGC Glass Europe

«The conference was interesting and intensive»


- General Counsel Group of Companies, Auriant Mining

«I would like to note the high level of organization: the required information was provided by speakers clearly and on time; convenient venue; equipment; coffee breaks; dinner. The conference provided a good opportunity for establishing new business contacts»


- Director of the Legal Department, ООО «Locomotive technologies»

«Thank you, all topics were relevant for our company»


- Director of Legal Department, JSC «BNS Group»

«I really liked the presentation of Civil Code, clearly and vividly were drawn analogies to English law instruments: Warranties, Indemnities, Disclosure. Very relevant I found the presentation on the topic of "Reorganization by the new norms of the Civil Code: legal regulation and practical application" It is worth noting the excellent organization of the conference»


- Lawyer, AB «Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev and Partners»

«I liked the conference. There were many important practical tips»



«The speakers were interesting in terms of the topics and the way of presentation»


- Head of the Legal Department, JSC «Gazprom Salavat StroyTEK»

«On the whole, all was great»


- Head of the Control and Legal Division, Danfoss

«Everything was great»


- Legal Director, Virgin Connect

«Qualitatively and professionally organized»


Delegate's Participation fee:  33,000 RUB (excl. VAT)  


The forthcoming event will provide answers to the most important issues related to the latest developments and practical implementation of new norms of the Civil Code and Corporate Law, and will also serve as a platform for exchange of experiences.

For participation, please contact us by e-mail registrations(аt)


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